Using message on-hold programs to promote your dental office gives you an advantage over your competitors. But are your programs up-to-date? If not, they could be hurting your business.
Because your practice is always evolving, it’s important that your message on-hold program evolves right along with it. Letting your program fall behind will make it increasingly irrelevant and liable to give callers out-of-date and inaccurate information.
How an Out-of-Date Message On-Hold Program can Hurt Your Dental Office
Giving your clients and prospective clients information that is out-of-date can lead to disappointment, frustration, or confusion (or all three). For example, they might be under the impression that a dentist who no longer works at your office is still available to see them. Or maybe your hours have changed and the client shows up only to find that your doors are locked. Or, perhaps they heard about a service you offer and ask to schedule an appointment for that service, only to be told by one of your team members that they will have to go elsewhere for that service.
Such error can be a minor inconvenience at best for your clients, or it could interfere with their schedule and cause them serious stress. Regardless, you want to prevent any such misunderstandings whenever possible, and keeping your on-hold messages up-to-date is essential to that.
Let’s look at some of the situations that indicate it’s time for a message on-hold update.
1. You Realize that You Haven’t Updated Your Message On-Hold Program(s) for At Least a Year
A lot happens in a year, especially if you run a dental practice. That’s the nature of the business. Simply not being able to remember when or if you updated your message on-hold program should be enough for you to know that the information provided in the messages is probably out-of-date.
2. You Have Staff Members in Your Program Who No Longer Work at the Practice
It’s great to feature some of your team members in your message on-hold program to promote how amazing they are, but if one of them leaves, you’d better remember to update that program! If a client comes to your dental office wanting to see that particular dentist or hygienist, they’ll be disappointed to find out they’re no longer with your practice.
3. You’re Changing Your Hours, Have Special Seasonal Hours or Closings
When you need to change your dental office hours for any reason, make sure those changes are reflected in your message on-hold program. This might seem like common sense, but as you’re well aware, your clients have to plan ahead to fit their dental appointments into their busy schedules. Make sure you plan ahead regarding hour changes and/or closings and get those updated in your program to keep your callers informed.
4. You Need to Update Your COVID-19 Protocols
COVID-19 has added a whole new layer to the appointment-making process, but it doesn’t have to be complicated for you and your team! If you make any updates to your dental office’s COVID-19 protocols, include them in your message on-hold scripts, too. Having that information available to people who are on hold can give them a little extra confidence about choosing your practice and booking an appointment.
5. Some of Your Messages Include Promotions that are No Longer Valid
What happens if someone arrives for their appointment with the hope of redeeming a promotion that was mentioned in your message on-hold program, but you’re no longer offering that promotion? That could put a damper on their day, sure, but it could also make them feel deceived and harm their relationship with your practice. Check your program to make sure you’re not advertising any special offers that are no longer valid!
6. Your Fall Message On-Hold Script is Still Playing…in December
Running a dental practice is no easy feat, and while the seasons come and go as they always do, it’s easy to forget that your message on-hold program might be playing messages that are out of season. For example, maybe one of your messages talks about Halloween candy and the need for daily brushing and flossing among children to prevent cavities. While that’s a useful reminder, Halloween candy isn’t exactly relevant in December or January. Try to keep pace with the seasons!
Updating Your Message On-Hold Program is Super Easy with InTouch
InTouch offers the Flex Plus Membership Program for a low annual fee to make updating your message on-hold scripts quick, convenient, and easy. You and your team can make unlimited changes to your scripts at any time, so they’ll always be fresh, up-to-date, and relevant to your callers.
To find out more about Flex Plus, give us a call at (877) 493-9003!